Expert Training For Your K9
From Puppies to Polished Companions: Explore Our Diverse Range of In-Person and Online Training, Workshops, and Dog Sports Programs!
Dog Sports
Dogs generally love to work, but sometimes you need to find the right activity that engages and enthuses them. Just as we need to find a profession or job that makes us happy, our dogs need it, too! There are many benefits to finding a sport you and your dog both enjoy.

Nose Work


Barn Hunt
Upcoming Workshops & Dog Sports Events
Our events and activities are aimed at developing the human/dog relationship in social settings and promote a sense of community among dog lovers.
Private Lessons
Need one-on-one training to refine your skills? You can schedule private lessons to work on K9 Nose Work and Barn Hunt with Jill Snyder and Nose Work, Barn Hunt and any specific behavior issues with Nancy Reyes, behavior Consults with Liz Vanderhoef or Lisa Bataska. You can even schedule Canine Fitness and Canine Massages with Tracy Zuniga or Agility Privates with our other instructors.
Our Brochures Provide Detailed Information
Free Training Videos

Improve Your Dog’s Ability to Stay at Odor
In this free training video, learn how to implement an effective reward system to keep your dog at odor.

Competitive Edge for
Dog Sports
Learn how having a solid start and consistent performance will lead you and your dog to successful competitions.