Mental Mindset for K9 Sports

Imagine walking to the start line with your dog……

  • You feel relaxed and confident
  • Knowing you have trained to this level and have the skills to do well
  • Being mentally prepared and connected to your team mate

Having the correct mental mindset is important for all K9 sports. If you ask any competitor how much of your competition is mental, most top competitors say 90%. Yet, very little focus and time are spent working on the mental game. I saw the need for mental prep in many dog sports.

This four-week course will give you the edge you need to get to your next level of competition, whatever that may be. We all have different goals and this course will get you on the road to reaching those goals.

You will learn:

  1. Why Giving it 110% Doesn’t Work
  2. 6 Principles of Mental Management
  3. 12 Strategies to Control Pressure
  4. 3 Mental Processes that Control Performance

Working Spot (Limited to 15 spots) Price $297

Here’s what you get in addition to the course…

  1.  Private access to a live Q & A session
  2. 3 month, access to the online course, Mental Mindset for Dog Sports
  3. Monthly Newsletter with tips and exercises to work your mental program for 6 months
  4. Access to “Mental Mindset for Dog Sports” downloadable slides and handouts for each instructional module

Early bird bonus has expired.

Auditing Spot ($97)

Online course

Monthly Newsletter with tips and exercises to work your mental program for 3 months

Click to sign up!

 About your instructor, Nancy Reyes

Nancy Reyes is a Certified Mental Management Instructor, offers workshops, private consultations, and classes on the mental game. She has worked with many dog sport competitors on the mental game. Most of her clients are top-level competitors in K9 Nose Work. Nancy has personally competed in agility and currently competes in nose work, and rally. She has been a dog trainer for over 30 years and an entrepreneur for 15 years. She has used the mental management system for business and dog competition for 12 years of those years.