Kathie Garcia
Kathie Garcia
My name is Kathie Garcia and I am a recently retired Boston Terrier Mom. I have been involved in the dog sport world for a little over 15 years with my 1st Boston; Ozzie in agility, Lily with Barn Hunt and now Ruger who does Nosework. Ruger is my foster failure 4 years ago and we started Nosework to help build his confidence and build a bond between the 2 of us. After 2 years of classes with Melanie, we started to trial and have grown in our confidence and earned several titles in a variety of venues. We trial in CPE, UKC and working getting our NW1 in NACSW. I have found a love of the sport and wanted to learn more and help new dog and their handlers start their Nosework journey with good foundation to grow. I look forward to seeing the teams grow with confidence and see how far their journey takes them.
Meet the rest of our team.